Friday, September 24, 2010

Promote the Guest or Promote the Orchestra?

It’s amazing how an those who run an orchestra seem almost embarrassed by it at times. So it seems when you look at the orchestra programme, and come along to the concerts. An orchestra I was playing with this week has a constant stream of guest soloists. These are inevitably presented as the selling point for the concert. The orchestra barely ever seems to present a concert as the main attraction in itself. The most amazing thing then is that very often the management who pay for the publicity, conductors, soloists never seem to ask that those presenting the concert to give due credit to the orchestra. Singers and conductors alike seem happy to take all the glory, indulge in mutual admiration, though of course letting the orchestra stand up at the end. Thanks. There is also of course the plug for the soloist’s CD on sale afterwards. Do the orchestra not have any? The musicians do not really worry too much about this in any personal way, but would you not think that those responsible for the success of the orchestra would somehow put the ‘product’ more to the fore, and have some of the hype directed towards it rather than the outside transient elements.

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